Foodie Friday -Hearty Sausage and Kale Soup

I don’t know about you guys, but I have been in such a soup kind of mood lately! With it being the middle of winter, the cold grey days are starting to get to us. There is nothing like coming home to a quick soup that tastes like it has been simmering for hours.

This Hearty Sausage and Kale soup was created accidentally a few weeks ago when I realized I had taken nothing out for dinner but still wanted something loaded with flavour. Luckily for us we always seem to have at least one bunch of kale in our crisper, and since we make our own sausage, we always have some links in the freezer! So I grabbed some of the sausage, defrosted in super quick, and got to work on this yummy, flavour packed soup!

Enjoy ❤


Foodie Friday- Cinnamon Rolls!!

Foodie Friday is back! This is our first one for 2016 and I thought I would finally share those Cinnamon Rolls I keep bragging about! You guys are going to ❤ them!

They may seem a little intimidating by the list of ingredients, but trust me, 90% of it you have in your cupboards RIGHT NOW! The nice thing about them is that you make them the day before, so if you have a special event coming up or a Sunday guest, you can make them and forget about them!

I’ll keep it short so you can stop drooling…wipe it up from your keyboard will you?! Enjoy these my friends!


Happy New Year!

Back to reality…2016 has been here for a couple of weeks now, the snow is piling up outside and my hands are itching to get back in the kitchen and make some goodies to post for ya’ll to enjoy!

This year I decided not to make any “silly” resolutions like, I’m going to lose 20 pounds by February…or, I’m going to workout two times a day and fit into my honeymoon bikini (from 5 years ago!) and instead am choosing more grounded resolutions that I know I can achieve! Things like, I will take the time to do 5 minutes of deep breathing today, or I will stop and appreciate the nature around me at least once a day! Another huge one for me this year is to take the time I need to relax and de-stress to help lower my everyday anxiety…something that is going to be so much easier thanks to my family for getting me a large selection of adult colouring books for Christmas! I was so excited with each one I opened as I could just feel my stress melting away before even picking up a marker (I’ll post up some pictures once I get a few more done!). This is not to bash anyone who is doing the weight-loss resolutions, in fact, more power to you! I have just realized over the years that this is not one I stick to, and come December 31st I am depressed at the lack of achievements.

With that being said…I have a delicious Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake that I want to share with you! I made this the other week for our Ukrainian Christmas get together with my dad, and it was a yummy hit!

So Happy 2016 to you! May this be a year filled with love, happiness and creativity for all of my readers and followers ❤